Publications 1998

Adapting to the inevitableHulme,M. (1998) Is global climate changing? Suffolk Wildlife Trust Spring/summer issue, pp.14-15 Hulme,M. (1998) Global warming Progress in Physical Geography 22, 398-406 Hulme,M. (1998) The sensitivity of Sahel rainfall to global warming: implications for scenario analysis of future climate change impact pp. 429-436 in, Water resources variability in Africa during the 20th […]

Publications 1997

Barrow,E.M. and Hulme,M. (1997) ‘Describing the surface climate of the British Isles’ pp.33-62 in, Climates of the British Isles: present, past and future (eds.) Hulme,M. and Barrow,E.M., Routledge, London, UK, 454pp. Bohn,L. and Hulme,M. (1997) El Niños: the heartbeat of climates The World Today, December, 53, 306-309. Chattopadhyay,N. and Hulme,M. (1997) Evaporation and potential evapotranspiration […]

Publications 1996

Airey,M.J., Hulme,M. and Johns,T. (1996) Evaluation of simulations of precipitation by the UK Met. Office/Hadley Centre model Geophys. Res. Letts., 23, 1657-1660. Barrow,E.M. and Hulme,M. (1996) The changing probabilities of daily temperature extremes in the UK related to future global warming and changes in climate variability Climate Research, 6, 21-31 Barrow,E.M., Hulme,M. and Semenov,M. (1996) […]

Publications 1995

Airey,M. and Hulme,M. (1995) Validating precipitation simulations by climate models: problems, methods and applications Prog. in Phys. Geography, 19, 427-448 Hulme,M. (1995) Estimating changes in global precipitation Weather, 50, 34-42 Hulme,M., Conway,D., Jones,P.D., Barrow,E.M., Jiang,T. and Turney,C. (1995) A 1961-90 climatology for Europe for climate change modelling and impacts applications Int. J. Climatol., 15, 1333-1363. […]