Why We Disagree About Climate Change
About my book: Why We Disagree About Climate Change
Why We Disagree About Climate Change … top 20 influential books
‘Streitfall Klimawandel’ … why we disagree about climate change
(15 July 2014) Recorded extracts from my evening event at Stratum Lounge in Berlin last month, discussing my book Streitfall Klimawandel, can be found here.
Streitfall Klimawandel: warum wir uns in Kontroversen verlieren und dabei versaumen, das Klima zu retten
(9 January 2014) German translation of “Why We Disagree …”Streitfall Klimawandel: warum wir uns in Kontroversen verlieren und dabei versaumen, das Klima zu retten” will be published in March by Oekom publishers, price €25.
New review of Why We Disagree …
(28 February) A new review of Why We Disagree About Climate Change has been published in the Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.65(5), pp.621-622, written by Vigya Sharma. Worldwide sales of the book have now passed 13,000.
New review of Why We Disagree …
(16 June) A new review of Why We Disagree About Climate Change has just been published in the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management … ‘there are many ways to use Hulme’s book in teaching …’
Prize for “Why We Disagree …”
(18 May) Why We Disagree About Climate Change was awarded jointly the 2010 Gerald L Young Prize for best book in human ecology.
New review of Why We Disagree …
(13 March) The latest issue of the Quarterly Journal of Speech has a review of Why We Disagree About Climate Change written by Michael Svoboda … “Hulme helps us understand the decades of wandering the desert of climate policy”.
Book review symposium in Progress in Human Geography
(4 February) The February issue of Progress in Human Geography has a book review symposium based on my book Why We Disagree About Climate Change. David Demeritt and Diana Liverman contribute essays, with a response by me. You can read these contributions here.