Major Publications 2008

Hulme,M. and Dessai,S. (2008) Predicting, deciding, learning: can one evaluate the ‘success’ of national climate scenarios? Environmental Research Letters  3(4),  7pp.  doi:10.1088/1748-9326/3/4/045013 Hulme,M. (2008)  To what climate are we adapting?  ECOS  29(3/4),  80-85 Dessai,S. and Hulme,M. (2008)  How do UK climate scenarios compare with recent observations? Atmospheric Science Letters doi: 10.1002/asl.197 O’Neill,S.J., Osborn,T.J., Hulme,M., Lorenzoni,I. and […]

Articles, Reviews, Talks

Book review of ‘Ten technologies to save the planet’ by Chris Goodall, in Third Way, March 2009, p.38 To what climate are we adapting?  ECOS: A review of Conservation 29(3/4),  80-85 (Dec 2008) Amid the financial storm: redirecting climate change Read this viewpoint article on the openDemocracy web site (31 Oct 2008) To what climate are […]

What message, and whose, from Copenhagen?

The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in March concluded with a declaration saying that the most serious warnings on climate change were coming true, and calling for immediate “action”.  But, argues Mike Hulme in the BBC Green Room, it is not clear what action was being called for, nor precisely who was calling for it.

Family history

My book “Imagined Memories and the Seductive Quest for a Family History” was published by Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd. in February 2008.  It is available on-line at Amazon at £8.99 or else from the author at mi*******@bt********.com. Synopsis ‘From accidental beginnings, Mike Hulme’s interest in genealogy grew first into a hobby and then into a catalyst […]

University of Nottingham podcast

(13 November 2008)  Podcast of Mike Hulme’s lecture ‘Why we diagree about climate change: wicked problems, clumsy solutions and cosmopolitan myths‘ delivered at the Institute for Science and Society and the School of Geography, University of Nottingham, 13 November 2008. Also available here at People and Place: ideas that connect us.

Major Publications 2007

Hulme,M. (2007) Understanding climate change: the power and the limit of science (viewpoint article) Weather 62(9), 243-244. Andronova,N., Schlesinger,M.E., Dessai,S., Hulme,M. and Li,B. (2007) The concept of climate sensitivity: history and development pp.5-17 in, Human-induced climate change: an inter-disciplinary assessment (eds.) Schlesinger,M.E., Khesgi,H., Smith,J., Chesnaye,F., Reily,J.M., Wilson,T. and Kolstad,C., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 451pp. […]