Major Publications 2019

Asayama,S. and Hulme,M. (2019)  Engineering climate debt: temperature overshoot and peak shaving as risky subprime mortgage lending  Climate Policy  19(8), 937-946  Asayama,S., Bellamy,R., Geden,O., Pearce,W. and Hulme,M. (2019)  Why setting a climate deadline is dangerous  Nature Climate Change  9(8), 570-572 Boas,I., Farbotko,C., Adams,H. …. Black,R. and Hulme,M. (2019)  Climate migration myths  Nature Climate Change  9(12), […]

Major Publications 2018

Castree,N., Hulme,M. and Proctor,J.D. (eds.) (2018)  Companion to environmental studies  Routledge, Abingdon, 848pp. Gannon,K.E. and Hulme,M. (2018)  Geoengineering ‘at the edge of the world’: exploring perceptions of ocean fertilization through the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation   GEO: Geography and Environment  5(1), e00054, 21pp. Hulme,M. (2018)  “Gaps” in climate change knowledge: Do they exist? Can they be […]

Major Publications 2017

Hulme,M. (2017)  Calculating the incalculable: is SAI the lesser of two evils?  Ethics and International Affairs  31(4), 507-512 Hulme,M. (2017)  Climate change (concept of)  Entry in: The International Encyclopedia of Geography:  People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology  (eds.) Richardson,D., Castree,N., Goodchild,M.F., Kobayashi,A.L., Liu,W. and Marston,R.,  John Wiley & Sons, Malden, Oxford, 9,120pp.  doi: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0343 Hulme,M. […]

Major Publications 2016

Hulme,M. (2016)  ‘Climate change and memory’   Chapter 18 (pp.159-162) in: Memory in the twenty-first century: new critical perspectives from the sciences, arts and humanities  (ed.) Sebastian Groes,  Palgrave Macmillan, London, 428pp. Hulme,M. (2016)  ‘Climate change: Varieties of religious engagement’   Chapter 25 (pp.239-248) in: Routledge handbook on religion and ecology  (eds.) Jenkins,W., Tucker,M.E. and  Grim,J., Routledge, […]

Archived Publications

Mike Hulme has an H-Index of 51 (Scopus) and 78 (Google Scholar) (March 2017).  A full listing of career publications can be downloaded here.  Major publications are also listed by year: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, etc.  Thomson Reuters reports Mike Hulme as the 10th most cited author in the world in the […]

Major Publications 2015

Borie,M. and Hulme,M. (2015) Framing global biodiversity: IPBES between Mother Earth and ecosystem services Environmental Science & Policy 54, 487-496 Hulme,M. (2015) (Still) Disagreeing about climate change: which way forward? Zygon: A Journal of Religion and Science 50(4), 893-905 Hulme,M. (2015) Afterword: The many uses of climate change pp.289-299 in: Climate cultures: anthropological perspectives on […]

Major publications 2014

Hulme,M. (2014) WIREs Climate Change after 4 years: an editorial essay WIREs Climate Change 5(1), 1-5 Beck,S. …., Hulme,M. … and 14 co-authors (2014) Towards a reflexive turn in the governance of global environmental expertise. The cases of the IPCC and the IPBES   GAiA 23/2, 80–87 Hulme,M. (2014) Climate change and virtue: an apologetic Humanities […]

Major Publications 2013

Porter,K.E. and Hulme,M. (2013)  The emergence of the geoengineering debate in the British print media: a frame analysis   Geographical Journal  179(4), 342-355  Hulme,M. (2013)  How climate models gain and exercise authority   pp.30-44 (Chapter 2) in: The social life of climate change models: anticipating nature (eds.) Hastrup,K. and Skrydstrup,M., Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 240pp. Hulme,M. (2013)  Lessons […]

Major publications 2012

Hastrup,K., Schaffer,S., Kennel,C.F., Sneath,D., Bravo,M., Diemberger,H., Graf,H-F., Hobbs,J., Davs,J., Nodari,L., Vassena,G., Irvine,R., Evans,C., Strathern,M., Hulme,M., Kaser,G. and Bodenhorn,B. (2012)  Communicating climate knowledge: proxies, processes, politics  Current Anthropology   53(2), 226-244 Hulme,M. (2012)  ‘Telling a different tale’: literary, historical and meteorological reading of a Norfolk heatwave  Climatic Change  113(1), 5-21   Hulme,M. (2012)  Climate change: Climate engineering […]