(7 November 2013) I have been awarded a Carson Writing Fellowship for 2014 at the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. This is a personal award and will allow me to spend 5 months from April-September 2014 as a Fellow of the Center. The Rachel Carson Center is part of […]
Current Projects
Knowledge, authority and the construction of climate change
(22 August 2013) I am an international collaborator on this project, Cultures of Prediction, led by Professor Matthias Heymann at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. It is funded by the Danish Research Council and examines the emergence of climate modeling as a culture of prediction in the formative period between ca. 1960 and 1985. Climate modeling has […]
Current and Recent Funded Projects
Information about current and recently completed research projects for which I am/was the Principal, or Co-Principal, Investigator. Current Research Contracts Framing energy futures and risk: exploring public understandings, 2007-2011 (with Irene Lorenzoni and Jacquie Burgess) (Leverhulme Energy, £216,000) Recently Completed Contracts and Grants ADAM: adaptation and mitigation strategies in support of European climate policy, 2006-2009 […]
ADAM project delivers its key findings
The EU-funded ADAM project (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy) which I have been coordinating delivered its key findings at a final policy conference, in Brussels from 12-14 May 2009. The ADAM final report – Hulme,M., Neufeldt,H. and Colyer,H. (eds.) (2009) Adaptation and mitigation strategies: supporting European climate policy. The final report from the ADAM project. […]