Adapting to the inevitableHulme,M. (1998) Is global climate changing? Suffolk Wildlife Trust Spring/summer issue, pp.14-15
Hulme,M. (1998) Global warming Progress in Physical Geography 22, 398-406
Hulme,M. (1998) The sensitivity of Sahel rainfall to global warming: implications for scenario analysis of future climate change impact pp. 429-436 in, Water resources variability in Africa during the 20th century, (eds.) Servat,E., Hughes,D., Fritsch,J.M. and Hulme,M., IAHS Publication No.252, Wallingford, UK, 462pp.
Hulme,M. and Brown,O. (1998) Portraying climate scenario uncertainties in relation to tolerable regional climate change Climate Research 10, 1-14
Hulme,M. and Jenkins,G.J. (1998) Climate Change Scenarios for the United Kingdom UKCIP Technical Report No.1, Climatic Research Unit, Norwich, UK, 80pp.
Hulme,M., Osborn,T.J. and T.C.Johns (1998) Precipitation sensitivity to global warming: comparison of observations with HadCM2 simulations Geophysical Research Letters 25, 3379-3382
Hulme,M. and Parry,M.L. (1998) Adapt or mitigate? Responding to climate change Town & Country Planning 67, 50-51
Hulme,M. and Viner,D. (1998) A climate change scenario for the Tropics Climatic Change 39, 145-176
Osborn,T.J. and Hulme,M. (1998) Evaluation of the daily precipitation characteristics of AMIP atmospheric model simulations over Europe Int. J. Climatology 18, 505-522
Parry,M.L., Arnell,N.W., Hulme,M., Nicholls,R.J. and Livermore,M. (1998) Buenos Aires and Kyoto targets do little to reduce climate impacts Global Environmental Change 8, 285-289
Parry,M.L., Arnell,N., Hulme,M., Nicholls,R.J. and Livermore,M. (1998) Adapting to the inevitable Nature 395, 741
Servat,E., Hughes,D., Fritsch,J.M. and Hulme,M. (eds.) (1998) Water resources variability in Africa during the 20th century IAHS Publication No.252, Wallingford, UK, 462pp.
Smith,J.B. and Hulme,M. (1998) Climate change scenarios Chapter 3 in, Handbook on methods of climate change impacts assessment and adaptation strategies: Version 2.0 (eds.) Feenstra,J., Burton,I., Smith,J.B., and Tol,R.S.J., October, UNEP/IES, Amsterdam