Major Publications 2016

Hulme,M. (2016)  ‘Climate change and memory’   Chapter 18 (pp.159-162) in: Memory in the twenty-first century: new critical perspectives from the sciences, arts and humanities  (ed.) Sebastian Groes,  Palgrave Macmillan, London, 428pp.

Hulme,M. (2016)  ‘Climate change: Varieties of religious engagement’   Chapter 25 (pp.239-248) in: Routledge handbook on religion and ecology  (eds.) Jenkins,W., Tucker,M.E. and  Grim,J., Routledge, Abingdon, 448pp.

Hulme,M. (2016)  ‘Climate’  Chapter 4 in: Part I-Mapping Shakespeare’s World (ed. Whitfield,P.) in: Volume 1: Shakespeare’s World, 1500-1660, in: The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare (ed.) B.F.Smith,  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2248pp.

Hulme,M. (2016)  1.5°C and climate research after the Paris Agreement   Nature Climate Change 6(3), 222-224

Hulme,M. (2016)  Weathered: cultures of climate  SAGE Publications, London, 178pp.

Mahony,M. and Hulme,M. (2016)  Epistemic geographies of climate change: science, space and politics  Progress in Human Geography  DOI: 10.1177/0309132516681485

Mahony,M. and Hulme,M. (2016)  Modelling and the nation: institutionalizing climate prediction in the UK, 1988-92  Minerva  54, 445-470

Turnhout,E., Dewulf,A. and Hulme,M. (2016)  What does policy-relevant global environmental knowledge do?  The cases of climate and biodiversity  Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability  18, 65-72

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