Major publications 2011

Bellamy,R. and Hulme,M. (2011)  Beyond the tipping point: understanding perceptions of abrupt climate change and their implications  Weather, Climate and Society  3(1),  48-60

Hulme,M. (2011)   Reducing the future to climate: a story of climate determinism and reductionism  Osiris  26 (1),  245-266

Hulme,M. (2011)   Meet the humanities  Nature Climate Change  1(4), 177-179

Hulme,M., O’Neill,S.J. and Dessai,S. (2011)  Is weather event attribution necessary for adaptation funding?  Science 334, 764-765

Mahony,M. and Hulme,M. (2011)  Model migrations: mobility and bounday crossings in regional climate prediction  Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers  doi:10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00473.x