In the interests of openness and transparency I here declare my professional sources of income and the funders of my research over recent years.
I am employed by the UEA as a professor and receive a negotiable professorial salary.
I also receive an annual honorarium of £5,000 from Wiley-Blackwell in recognition of my duties as Editor-in-Chief of the journal WIREs Climate Change.
I receive, on average, aggregate payments of less than £2,000 per year for various media writings, appearances and public speaking fees, plus royalties on my book Why We Disagree About Climate Change which has sold over 13,000 copies.
I am currently a co-investigator on a £216,000 Leverhulme Trust grant and I currently supervise three PhD students two of whom are funded by the ESRC and one by the UEA.
In the last 10 years I have been principal (or co-) investigator on research grants and contracts totalling about £30 million, primarily about £16m from RCUK (for the Tyndall Centre) and around €12m from EU FP6 (for the ADAM project). Over the last 20 years I have also received smaller research grants or contracts amounting to around £4 million from, inter alia, Defra, MAFF, DfID, WWF-International, UNDP, Scottish Executive, EU Commission, MRC, NERC, EPSRC, IPCC, Hadley Centre, Royal Society, European Environment Agency, Leverhulme Trust. See Current Projects a more complete list.
Over the last 20 years I have also undertaken a variety of smaller consulting tasks (between £100 and £5,000) for a wide variety of organisations, many of whom are listed below: BP Amoco, CICERO/UNEP, CICERO/World Bank, Department of the Environment (UK), Global Environment Facility, Mott MacDonald/Anglian Water, Mott MacDonald/BNFL, Mott MacDonald/World Bank, Nirex, Overseas Development Institute/World Bank, Overseas Development Administration (UK), UNDP/World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, University of Reading/World Bank, Science Museum, World Commission for Dams, WS Atkins Engineering Ltd.