Does (climate) science need to be consensual to be authoritative?

(27 February)  “Does (climate) science need to be consensual to be authoritative?”   You can view my talk here which was given on Wednesday 6 February 2013 at the STEPS Centre Conference on ‘Credibility across cultures‘.  A longer version of this is being prepared for a book, but I have posted here a summary of my argument.  It […]

Writing and climate change

(26 February)  I will be speaking alongside authors, poets and playwrights at the UEA Centre for Writing and Science’s day event on Saturday 25 May at the University of East Anglia: “Writing and climate change: the story so far … how do writers and scientists communicate the controversies of climate change?  Register here.

November speaking dates

(16 October)  I shall be speaking on Why We Disagree About Climate Change at two new venues: on Wednesday morning 2 November in Amsterdam at the 6th Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Symposium and on the evening of Tuesday 15 November at Trinity College, Dublin, to the Dublin University Geographical Society.