ADAM project delivers its key findings


The EU-funded ADAM project (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy) which I have been coordinating delivered its key findings at a final policy conference, in Brussels from 12-14 May 2009.

The ADAM final report – Hulme,M., Neufeldt,H. and Colyer,H. (eds.) (2009)   Adaptation and mitigation strategies: supporting European climate policy.  The final report from the ADAM project.  Tyndall Centre,  UEA,  Norwich,  44pp. – highlights the key findings of the research under a number of different headings: integrated scenarios; emissions reductions; the 2 degree target; policy appraisal; policy development and governance; adaptive risk management and regional planning; adaptation and development policy. In order to encourage reflexive learning amongst the researchers, the final section summarizes the findings of two internal evaluations of their learning experiences within the project.